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My favorite game is Microsoft's Age of Kings. In this game, basically, you begin with a town center and several villagers. You have the villagers gather food and other resources. With these resources, you build an army and conquer the other players--before they conquer you! It sounds simple, but it is, in fact, VERY complex! My usual strategy is outlined below.


In this death match game, I immediately started building houses and a castle. Then I built farms, lumber camps, and mining camps; building troops as I went. This screenshot was taken about fifteen minutes into the game.


Then after a couple of hours (I play very slowly--stockpiling lots and lots of resources before I attack), I build an army!


I moved my troops up into the outskirts of the enemy village, and build several castles. Then I attacked! The enemy soldiers chewed my Janissaries up quite nicely, so I expected to really have to fight to win! But I was surprised when the enemy surrendered--and I had just barely gotten into his town! Oh well.

Another cool game is Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator. It is very, very well done; and the graphics are incomparable.


I downloaded a modification for this game, which gives you an airplane that you actually didn't see too often in World War 2 dogfights--the F15! As you can see, enemy fighters dont have much of a chance against it.


LucasArts' Jedi Knight is a fantastic Star Wars roleplaying game.
