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Jerry Lewis
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I have lots of hobbies, but one of my favorites is ventriloquism. That long word refers to the art of talking without moving your lips. I do not use the more traditional wooden dummy, however. I much prefer latex puppets, because you can get a whole lot of realistic facial expressions out of them. The very best maker of these puppets is Axtell Expressions. In other areas of this site you will find pictures of all my puppets!

Another of my hobbies is trumpet playing! I have played the trumpet for about four years now. Later this summer, I am travelling to Pensacola, Florida, for a three week music camp at Pensacola Christian College. I am REALLY looking forward to it, since I have not had much of a chance to play in orchestras!

Right now, I work at the local library as a page. I generally shelve books and maintain the shelves, and act as a gofer. It really is a fun job!

Stuff I like

One of my favorite movies is The Bellboy, starring Jerry Lewis. He is my all-time favorite comedian! I also like to watch old movies--"old" meaning movies made from the 1920s through the 1950s.

I like classical music-especially Beethoven. His Fifth Symphony is a masterpiece.
I also like various movie soundtracks, especially music by John Williams. His Star Wars music is the best!