Boy, I can not believe how many Favorite Places I've accumulated! I should probably weed some out, but anyway, here they are. There is a wealth of interesting information here. Sites that I visit often Google is the search engine I use all the time. I very highly recommend it. Fundamental Bible Church: My church's homepage. I VERY highly recommend this site! DONT MISS IT! It has a lot of Christian literature. Bible Believer's Resource Page: A site run by one of the members of my church (who also maintains the above site) I also recommend this site very highly. It has tons of links, good literature, and other fantastic Christian resources. Internet Movie Database: I go to this site very often; nearly every time I watch a movie, actually! This site is the last word on all movies ever made! It has cast info, crew info, behind the scenes stuff, in short--everything! Blue Mountain: Excellent ecards! Lots of good stuff here! We order from it quite often. They are usually dependable, but every so often they take a very long time to send orders. Multimedia This site has tons and tons of MP3s to load. I have found some fabulous classical music here. Audiofind: Another MP3 search engine. Need to find some sound effects? Look no further. This site searches the web for sounds. TV and Movie Theme Archives: This site has a lot of movie themes--wav format. Westwind Brass: An amazing band! I love listening to this group. The Death Star Multimedia: Wow! The best collection of Star Wars movie clips that I have ever seen. Visual Paradox: This site has some of the very, very best wallpaper available! Check it out--you'll be impressed. The website of Bryn Badel, an absolutely fantastic trumpet player! Puppets and Ventriloquism Axtell Expressions: DONT MISS THIS SITE! Most of my professional puppets are made by Axtell Expressions. The world's best puppets! Period! Maher Studios: This is the website of one of the best ventriloquism supply companies in the world. Many very fine resources here. This is the website of a chimp very like Bonzo. The Puppet Factory: A company that builds puppets. I have never purchased any of their products, but the puppet look quite nice. Wow! Even though I have not ordered from this company either, I really like the look of their puppets. Puppet Productions: Another company that produces cool puppets. Trumpet and Music-Related Cool! This site has the sheet music and MP3s of the U.S. army's bugle calls! Sheet Music Archive: Free sheet music. Free Sheet Music Links The Lester S. Levy Sheet Music Collection: A fine collection of free sheet music. Movie-related The Internet Movie Database: This is definitely THE site to go to when you want information about a movie. It has cast and crew information, trivia, behind-the-scenes, and lots more. Reel Classics: Another one of my favorites! This has a wealth of information about classic movies, and classic movie actors. It has loads of music,video, and sound downloads The Official Jerry Lewis Comedy Museum and Store: The official Jerry Lewis site! I enjoy browsing around here. Laurel and Hardy: The official website of one of the greatest comedy teams of all time! This site has video files, sound files, news, and tons of other good stuff. A good Jerry Lewis fan page. Another Jerry Lewis fan site. Good Abbott and Costello fan page. The official Abbott and Costello website! Don't miss the sounds--they have some of the team's greatest routines available for download, including "Who's On First" Star Wars: The official Star Wars site. The Props of Star Wars: Info on parts used to create the props in the Star Wars movies. Miscellaneous Age of Kings: The official site of my favorite computer game. Rush Limbaugh's website. Need I say more? The Institute for Creation Research site. Very highly recommended. Way of Life Literature: A lot of great Christian resources. Felix: The world's coolest screenmate! This cat lives on your desktop and is tons of fun to watch! Free, too! The Alamo: Official site of the Alamo. Mr. Winkle: An interesting dog. |